This beautiful floral watercolour wedding invitation is one of 8 new designs we have in our collection. The design is available in a 4 folded style that includes an invitation, information card and perforated RSVP postcard.
If you prefer, the design may also be produced into a large postcard. There are numerous optional coloured envelopes to match your colour scheme and to finishe off the look, a personalised sticker in the same design. Vellum belly bands and twine may be added if you are after the ‘icing on the cake’!
Feel free to email us with your estimated quantities if you would like a no obligation quotation.
#4foldweddinginvitation #minimalistweddinginvites


Minimalist Wedding Invitations by Millbank and Kent
Floral Watercolour Invitation available in 4 fold style or A5 Postcard.

22-07-12 (2) 22-07-12 (3) 22-07-12 (4) 22-07-12 (5)